Script read-through
Wednesday 14 November 2018

Aladdin Behind the Scenes: Script Read-through

On Monday our spectacular pantomime cast, company and creatives and Arts Theatre staff joined together for our yearly tradition - the first script read-through! It is a great way to begin the rehearsal process, and a chance to see the beginnings of our magical family panto coming to life. 

Here's some shots of the cast in action...

©Jo Anthony Photography 

A man stands talking in the middle of a circle of people
Our director Phil Clark introducing the script









Wayne Sleep laughing
The legendary ballet dancer Wayne Sleep, our evil baddie Abanazar








Matt Crosby
Cambridge's #1 Panto Dame (without his make-up)... Matt Crosby!




Liza Goddard
Liza Goddard, who will be playing The Empress of Peking









Suzie Mathers
Suzie Mathers, returning after 2015's pantomime Cinderella









Phil Clark and Rosalind James
Phil Clark (Director) with Rosalind James (Aura, Spirit of the Ring)









Andy Abraham
Andy Abraham is ready to grant all your Christmas wishes as the Genie!

















Holly Easterbrook
Holly Easterbrook is once again to play our plucky hero, Aladdin









Max Fulham
Max Fulham (Wishy-Washy) and his faithful companion Gordon









Matt Crosby, who will be playing Widow Twankey








Tiffany Wells (Ensemble), Tamsin January (Dance Captain) and Choreographer Kevan Allen









Wayne Sleep
Prepare your boo's and hisses for Wayne Sleep!
















Rosalind James
Rosalind James (Aura, Spirit of the Ring)





















Aladdin runs from Thursday 29 November 2018 - Sunday 6 January 2019. For more information and to book tickets, please click here.