A member of the team Nicky smiles during an event in our bar

Our Team

Chairman  Ian Mather
Interim Co-Chief Executives  Victoria Beechey and Rachel Tackley
Founder  Lord Keynes
Honorary President  Baroness Cohen of Pimlico

Theatre Administrator Chiara Beber Fraser
Executive Director  Victoria Beechey
Programming and Productions Manager  Chloe Brindle
Marketing Manager  Caitlin Clark 
Head of Sales and Marketing  Kat Collins
Director of Philanthropy  Hannah Cosh
Head of Technical  Julian Cree 
Membership Manager  Luke Dell
Head of Major Gifts  Will Handysides
Assistant Theatre Manager  Matt Hannam-Creak
Finance Officer  Liz Hilton
Box Office Manager  Rose Holdaway
Head of Development & Communications  Nicky Hupe
Head of Operations  Philip Isaac
Executive Assistant  Emma Jelley
Head of Philanthropy and Partnerships  Chloe Johnson
Box Office Assistant  Nick Jones
Head of Stage  Gilles Pink
Head of Lighting and Sound  Connar Richards
Grants and Education Manager  Katie Short
Duty Manager  Luna Snell
Creative Director  Rachel Tackley
Head of Finance  Emily Usher

For departmental contacts including email addresses and contact telephone numbers, please visit our contact page here. 

Cambridge Arts Theatre is managed by The Cambridge Arts Theatre Trust Limited, a registered charity in England No. 03536370.

Registered in England No. 1069912. Registered office: 6 St Edward’s Passage, Cambridge CB2 3PJ. VAT Registration Number 229 1368 04.