This page provides information on what the Arts Theatre can offer schools, from how to book tickets, to teacher forums and additional resources.
Key benefits of bringing your students to the theatre:
• Live performances of plays and literary adaptations strengthen students understanding and ability to write confidently about a subject
• Build social confidence– bringing children and young people into spaces makes new environments accessible to them
• Productions, such as our pantomime, can inspire cross-curriculum learning
• Experiencing live performances in a group creates a shared experience, nurturing feelings of inclusion, which can improve children and young people’s social skills and self-confidence.
- Upcoming educational productions
- Resources
Archive Resources
In 2019, we were awarded a grant of £100,000 by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to preserve, catalogue, and enrich our archive. The project, titled 'Behind the Scenes: Saving and Sharing the Heritage of Cambridge Arts Theatre', aimed to unite and safeguard over 80 years of our history.
The following resources have been created using material from our archive:
The History of Theatre... in Cambridge
Stories on stage
Production Resources
Many productions have a variety of resources available which can help extend and deepen students experience of theatre. These include resource packs which often contextualize information, related activities and interviews with the cast and company, workshops, online learning areas and pre and post-show talks.
For more information, please contact our Box Office on 01223 503333.
- Teacher Forums
We are always keen to hear from teachers and see how we can help with theatre-school engagement. To facilitate this we host teacher forums, to enable teachers from across the county to meet and learn about the theatre in an informal environment.
The forums are based on a particular subject (we welcome suggestions) and are usually held in the early evening and can be followed by watching a show.
- 5 step guide to booking a school party
- Call or email our friendly Box Office team, who will make a reservation for the performance you wish to attend (advising on price, availability and resources)
- We will hold the reservation for one month (if the show is within a month the reservation period can be negotiated) to give you time to send out letters and receive responses.
- Call or email our Box Office team with the confirmed number of student and teacher tickets.
- Arrange payment – which can be made via credit card, cheque or invoice.
- We will arrange seating plans, tickets and further information to be sent out to you, depending on the performance and what you need to make your trip run smoothly.
To discuss your booking contact our Box Office