Dear Friends and Supporters,
We can’t wait to welcome you back to the Arts Theatre soon, either to see our spectacular pantomime, Aladdin or to any of the varied and interesting productions after Christmas.
Following the most recent Government announcement concerning COVID-19, we have made important changes in line with the new Government guidance.
1. Don’t forget your face covering
From Friday 10 December you must now wear a face covering throughout your visit to the Theatre, except when eating or drinking, if you are medically exempt or if you are under the age of 11. All our staff will continue to wear masks in public areas.
2. Please bring your NHS COVID Pass
With the current circumstances in mind from Monday 13 December, we have decided, for your safety, to ask that you obtain a NHS COVID Pass or photographic proof of a negative lateral flow test taken within 24 hours of your visit. This will not apply to children aged 11 or under (we may ask for proof of age) or anyone who has documented proof that they are exempt for any other reason.
Under the current guidance we are not obliged to ask for NHS COVID Passes but would rather err on the side of caution. We reserve the right to amend this policy in the light of changing circumstances.
Our Front of House team will check passes upon entry to our building so please download your pass in advance to minimise delays into the Theatre.
For information on how to obtain your NHS COVID Pass, visit this link: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-pass/
To order free lateral flow test kits, visit this link: https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests
3. Feeling unwell?
It is more important than ever that you do not travel to the Theatre if you, or anyone in your group, feels unwell or has symptoms of COVID-19.
If you find yourself, or a member of your party, unable to attend due to COVID related illness or self-isolation we are pleased to say that we will continue to offer you a full refund for your tickets, however, we now ask that:
• You tell us in advance that you will not be attending the performance so that we can resell your tickets. We will not be able to refund tickets for COVID absences unless this condition is met.
• At the time you inform us we will require proof of a positive PCR or lateral flow test in order to process your refund.
We are delighted that we continue to be recognised as one of the official SEE IT SAFELY venues, accredited by the Society of London Theatre and UK Theatre. We also remain accredited with the We're Good to Go industry standard from VisitEngland. The logo provides a 'ring of confidence' for businesses, attractions and destinations as well as reassurance to visitors that clear processes are in place and that the business is good to go.
For information on all our safety measures, please visit our website: https://www.cambridgeartstheatre.com/covidsafety
We are incredibly grateful for all the support you have shown us so far and we hope you will agree that these measures are a sensible means of making your visit to us both enjoyable and safe. If you have any questions about your visit, please don’t hesitate to speak to our Box Office team on 01223 503333 or email [email protected].
We look forward to welcoming you soon.
Cambridge Arts Theatre