Monday 23 December 2024

Cinderella: Panto by Numbers!

With Christmas just two days away, festive excitement is at an all-time high here at Cambridge Arts Theatre. To celebrate, here's some "panto by numbers" fun facts about this year's show Cinderella...

In total our talented Cinderella cast will perform 65 times… that’s 8,450 minutes of panto madness!

Our incredible costume team and in-house wardrobe duo have stitched, pinned and perfected a whopping 86 costumes for the entire show.

Friday 22 April 2022

Our pantomime star Rolan Bell wins 'Best Villain' at The Pantomime Awards!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that actor Rolan Bell, who played the dastardly evil Abanazar in our 2021 panto Aladdin, has won the award for 'Best Villain' at The UK Pantomime Association's Pantomime Awards.

Last week the country's pantomime stars, producers, directors (and everyone in between!) gathered at London's Trafalgar Theatre for the annual awards, where 22 awards were handed out - and Rolan came home with the esteemed title of the UK's best baddie!

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Aladdin Review Round Up!

Last week we enjoyed our annual Press Night... a glittering night of magic, festivity - and pantomime! The critics of Cambridge gathered to decide what they think of this year's show. (Spoiler alert: they loved it!). 

We thought we'd assemble our favourites in a handy blog post, just in case you need further encouragement to join us for our spectacular family show. Be sure to click on the publication names to read or listen to the full reviews.

Thursday 4 November 2021

Aladdin Cast Photoshoot: Behind the Scenes!

Earlier this week a handful of our sensational Aladdin cast gathered for the annual photoshoot. The camera was ready, costumes were donned and make-up was applied... and we're thrilled with the results! Here's some behind the scenes shots from the day...

Photographer: Richard Hubert Smith
Make-up: Ricky-Lee Hannam-Creak
Costume: Carry On Costumes

Thursday 5 December 2019

Cinderella: Review Round Up!

The critics have spoken and the reviews are in for our spectacular family pantomime Cinderella, and the press loved it! Here's what they had to say...


'Cambridge Arts Theatre's Christmas pantomimes keep getting better every year - so it's no surprise this production of Cinderella is their best - and funniest - yet'
'Will have you laughing out loud and dancing in your seat the whole way through' 
